Navigating Covid with Chronic Lyme4/10/2022 I finally feel like I turned a corner this evening after a challenging few days. Yay I am so grateful. I have been in batton-down the hatches mode and really focusing religiously on rest, eating really carefully and pacing myself energetically.
Since I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2018, I had to teach myself a lot of different strategies to stay out of relapse and a chronic pain and inflammation situation. Actually, I was just starting to feel better from a symptomatic phase of chronic Lyme earlier in March when I contracted covid. This week put self care skills to the test. Some things that supported: reaching out to a trusted healer and going on a protocol of supplements to help my immune system. - not working… I canceled my entire calendar for a couple of days and worked just a couple hours on the next few days that I felt I could (feels lucky to be able to do this). - I became totally committed to breathwork daily. Just for seven minutes or so. Today, when I felt physically well enough, I had a somatic based healing session where I was able to fully express some built up grief, anger and fear. This felt important to do because I now understand how holding those emotions in my body can exacerbate a situation like this (Read: The Body Keeps The Score for the relationship of trauma to chronic auto immune disease) - I dropped in with a whole bunch of friends who have my back in times like this. I also kept my interactions with humans high any way I could. (Thank you friends who commented and messaged) Isolation is not supportive of the immune system I spoke my mind about something that felt stuck in my throat, and released it - The hardest: I got really clear with the universe. I let go of expectations of when I would feel better and dropped fear that my Lyme will launch me into long-hauling. my mantra: I trust my body Thank you to all who supported me especially my hubs who’s getting quite masterful in the kitchen. I think I’m on the mend. #chronicillness #longhauler #lymesurvivor Comments are closed.
July 2023