Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana7/10/2017 There's a moment of single-pointed concentration that is required in this pose where the gaze has to turn from looking at the left big toe to the right fingers. It has to be done slowly and methodically in order to maintain balance on the standing leg. In that moment, thinking about the past and the future must briefly fall away so that the mind can concentrate on the breath, the relationship of the body to the sky and the earth, and how to be strong and soft at the same time. It requires the willingness and desire to be fully present.
In that small moment where the body and mind fully unite, is what we call yoga. Find that on the mat, and you'll apply it to your life. Free your mind, the rest will follow. #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #practiceandalliscoming #findingfreedom #yogalife #yogaeverywhere #dharmajunkie Archives
July 2023