Response to My Last Post2/4/2023 Wow Wow Wow! I’m at a loss for words about my experience yesterday. After my juicy and vulnerable post my DM’s started filling up within minutes.
I’m so moved, not only by your support of my path, which was offered in abundance… but also the stories that were shared about your paths and the ways in which YOU have felt different and marginalized when it comes to s e x u a l i t y and relationships! Many of you thanked me for what I shared because it made you feel safer to share your authenticity with me. Yes, I’m crying. I shared my feelings of wonderment with a dear and wise sister. She said to me “Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first.” That’s feels SO true and trust that I don’t mind blazing this trail. I spent a few hours sending links to those of you who liked the post or messaged. If I missed you somehow and you want to follow me there, please send a private message or comment below. Lastly, in response to a couple of your questions on what kind of content to expect — my intention there is the same as my intention here. To inspire you to live your most authentic and fulfilled life possible. Love you! Archives
July 2023