Response to My Last Post2/4/2023 Wow Wow Wow! I’m at a loss for words about my experience yesterday. After my juicy and vulnerable post my DM’s started filling up within minutes.
I’m so moved, not only by your support of my path, which was offered in abundance… but also the stories that were shared about your paths and the ways in which YOU have felt different and marginalized when it comes to s e x u a l i t y and relationships! Many of you thanked me for what I shared because it made you feel safer to share your authenticity with me. Yes, I’m crying. I shared my feelings of wonderment with a dear and wise sister. She said to me “Everyone is waiting for someone else to go first.” That’s feels SO true and trust that I don’t mind blazing this trail. I spent a few hours sending links to those of you who liked the post or messaged. If I missed you somehow and you want to follow me there, please send a private message or comment below. Lastly, in response to a couple of your questions on what kind of content to expect — my intention there is the same as my intention here. To inspire you to live your most authentic and fulfilled life possible. Love you! Juicy and Vulnerable Share2/2/2023 JUICY AND VULNERABLE SHARE
I’m SO inspired by the response to my last post about my custom-tailored partnership. I’m feeling excited that so many of you reached out with words of support or genuine personal curiosity about my relationship. As rebellious and irreverent as you might think I am, I’ve fretted over the revelation around non-monogamy for years. I know many of you in narrow contexts and I didn’t have a read on how it might land with everyone. I’m happy to report that if any folks were clutching their pearls in horror, they at least remained silent. Phew. On a related note, there’s something else that I’ve largely kept out of public awareness. I have a much edgier side to my being that’s been coming much more alive and central in the last couple of years. In fact, for the last 15! years I’ve been deep diving in the study of various lineages of classic and neo-tantra, sacred s e x u a l i t y, pleasure positivity, body image, intimacy, relationships, sensual body work, and even power exchange, costuming and roleplay as a healing modalities. The power of this work is immense and Im SO proud of what I practice. I’ve kept that part of my life mostly out of mainstream awareness simply due to the fact I was a black, widowed, single mom raising kids in an mostly white, affluent, very buttoned up and highly gossipy suburb. No additional challenges with the way I was perceived there felt welcome, so I simply hid in plain sight and waited it out. The kids are now grown and I’m in the midst of my personal rebirth! I am aware that s e x u a l i t y content, however valuable, isn’t for everyone, so I have separate FB and IG accounts for that. I’m going to be spending more time on those accounts this year as I slowly pivot my healing work to this field full time. If you would like access to my additional accounts you can either heart this post or send me a private message. “Other me” will add you. This Dee Yergo account will remain unchanged and I’ll continue to post the mainstream stuff I do here too. Sending you so much love and gratitude. Announcement About Separation11/10/2022 Yes it’s true, as of October 15 we have not been living together.
This is the second separation of our marriage. The first time was in response to a relationship crisis. This time around, it’s a conscious choice that fully supports the deepening of our intimacy. It’s been SO good for us, in this season, to follow our individual sleeping and eating rhythms because we are both in separate creative/business-building modes. Also, after a very stressful September we weren’t communicating as well as we normally do. Gears were grinding and we started getting on each other’s nerves in a way that would probably look pretty mild to an outsider, but wasn’t OK for us. So, rather than wait for that to devolve into an actual breakdown, we decided to mindfully hit pause and create some boundaries that serve. So, until mid December we will live walking distance from each other and we are now dating! So fun and exciting. Rimon is as amazing and sexy a boyfriend as he is a husband. There’s not enough content out there about keeping long term relationships alive and vibrant so I’m leaving this here and hope it inspires. #conscious relating #relationshipdesign Archives
July 2023