Leadership is...4/11/2018 The next chapter in the #metoo movement should have every woman reflecting upon the qualities of leadership and what we can do to elevate our sisters, especially if we are blessed enough to have education and experience.
Years ago, in Lean In Sheryl Sandberg wrote about how finding a workplace mentor was equivalent to the search for Prince Charming. That resonated with me. As I read those words, I was working in a corporate environment where I experienced women in powerful positions as adversaries instead of allies. It seemed to me at the time, that they felt they needed to be extra nasty, to make sure the numerous men who were their peers, would see they were fit to be in the boys club. At this point, I empathize and get how hard it was for them too, even though the thinking was fundamentally twisted. If there was ever a time to totally reverse that bullshit, don’t you think that NOW sounds good? Shouldn’t those of us who are successful enough to provide mentorship, be doing precisely that, on a regular basis? That’s a concrete action that we can all take. Can you imagine the shift if every single woman who attended a women’s march in the past year chose at least one woman to take under her wing and see that relationship through? I’m staying hopeful about this crazy world and doing my actions to elevate others. Hoping to inspire other to do the same. Action is better than inaction Archives
July 2023