Namaste5/1/2018 It was tedious to apply this decal to the wall in my studio this week. The letters are really thin and it required attention and focus to get it right. As I worked, I was thinking about this translation of Namaste.
When we busy our minds looking for differences or separateness between ourselves and others, we will find those differences pretty easily. And what that brings is negative energy, anger, feelings of isolation and frustration. With a shift in perspective, we can change our reality. Aren’t you exhausted from the anger anyhow? Wouldn’t it be nice to live more peaceful life? Well, when it comes to how we relate to people, there’s a better way. When we make a brave choice to look through the lens of sameness and open our hearts vulnerably toward our fellow humans in the spirit of acceptance, we change our experience. Anger dissolves and unconditional love takes its place. And that life is really much easier than the one you were living before. Get serious about your peace and well being. It’s right there. But you gotta want it and work for it. Namaste Comments are closed.
July 2023