It's Always Something3/29/2016 When you already feel bombarded and then yet another one of life's unexpected challenges come up, do you ever sigh deeply and say "argh it's always something?" Well, you're right. It is always something. Life is hard, and it will always be something.
We cannot expect to get to a place where you'll have control of all those external somethings. If you think one day it will just magically quiet down you'll always be as frustrated with your life as you are right now. We have no control over the somethings but we are the masters of our perspective and how we relate to our thoughts. Sense of peace is a learned skill. Meditation is the vehicle that brings us there. You can teach the mind the skill of calm even when in the middle of life's storms. I teach meditation privately or in group classes. Contact me via email [email protected] Comments are closed.
July 2023