Transformation Coaching
This coaching style makes two important assumptions. 1. You are a sovereign being with rich intuitive wisdom. You are, in fact, the expert in your own affairs. 2. The possibilities for your life are limitless and you have the ability and the divine right to create the life you want for yourself. Transformation Coaching is an individualized program for people who are motivated and ready to make major changes in order to intentionally design the life that will make them feel the most fulfilled. With support, you will cultivate the necessary tools to make important shifts in your awareness and consciousness that operate both on the conscious and unconscious level. The result is a lasting change in perspective and the ability to create, with precision, the life that you want for yourself. Your commitment to yourself needs to be strong to make you a candidate for this work because the results are rapid and tangible. You need to be truly ready, because the amount of change you will experience can be temporarily uncomfortable before it becomes integrated and deeply rewarding. This methodology is a good fit for people who have grown tired and frustrated with their patterns. They are sick of the same old, same old and are ready to be supported in creating their very best lives. The program addresses all aspect of life. You will be offered a scaffolding of tools that help move intense emotions and build nervous system resilience. This includes mindfulness practices that will sharpen your awareness and strengthen your relationship with yourself. We simultaneously develop a relationship with the body in order to tap into the innate wisdom of the soma. As you implement your tools, we start to look inward to identify the sources of our patterning and create shifts in our day to day habits. Eventually, this work helps you examine behavior and how you relate with others in your life. In longer term coaching containers, this preliminary work creates readiness for soul work. Soul work is identifying what one's true purpose is in this world. What are we here for? The approach is individualized and through the work you will build personal practices that serve you and your highest good using this partial list of modalities:
💥 One-on One (4 and 8 session packages available)
In our initial meetings, you will be offered a set of foundational tools and practices that include daily meditation, journaling and emotional release. With these tools in place and being practiced daily, we move from there to examine the particulars of your life circumstances, patterns, past wounds, and desires for the future using tools rooted in eastern philosophy and modern self development. Sessions are fully customized to your personal needs and offers the most attentive and attuned level of coaching support. Sessions are held once weekly via Zoom for 60 min. You will also be expected to commit to daily practices and homeplay in between sessions and accountability is provided. 💥 Semi-Private (4 session packages) This is a great option for 2-4 clients that are exploring similar themes. If you select this option your name is placed on a waiting list until appropriate partners are identified. You can also create your own group if you have people in your life that are looking to make significant changes. 12 session commitment is required. Sessions are held via Zoom on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. The group is expected to complete independent work and meet on their own in between sessions in order to provide support and accountability to one another. 💥 Group Coaching Programs Group coaching opportunities are offered for groups of 6-10. This is the most affordable option and also gives the broadest opportunity to connect with like minded community. Curriculum is customized based on the needs and intentions of the group. Groups run for 6-8 weeks twice a year, and cost is offered on a sliding scale. NEED BASED SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ALL PROGRAMS Learn More |