Silencing Me Won't Work4/19/2022 I spoke to my mom on the phone this morning. “You’re not very quiet,” she observed.
She’s right. I’m not. I’m pretty sure I don’t know how to be. I find that there’s immense opportunity when we are transparent and have the courage to share. The opportunity exists to leverage every difficult situation for the healing of ourselves and others. I also feel the power of being able to inspire people to see things differently, consider a broader perspective and perhaps even to motivate them into actions, big and small. I know this raw, direct honesty often brings humans way out of their comfort zone, especially when we are speaking about power structures and supremacy. People absolutely freak when those shadows are brought into a spotlight. Some weeks ago, someone I considered a friend did her best to publicly silence me on a group thread we were both on when I expressed my desire to openly process the experiences of harmful behaviors I’d witnessed within the group. It was interesting to witness her efforts to shut me up. I watched as a couple of voices surfaced in support of me, and I tracked the silence from others. The situation was painful, but I found that I remained wholly undeterred. If anything, it strengthened my resolve to take my process to perhaps a much wider audience. I consider myself a leader within many communities, and I’m quite present and aware of the power of my voice. I use it to teach and support as well as hold others accountable for their actions. That’s not going to change. Ask my mom, if you don’t believe me I’m sitting with the potential impact that I can create. I’m organizing my thoughts, and looking forward to leveraging my 18 month experiment out west to create change in this world. I’ve got stories for years, people. Some of it will burn the hair inside your ears. Stay tuned, I’m writing. Lots of good chapters for the memoir here. Navigating Covid with Chronic Lyme4/10/2022 I finally feel like I turned a corner this evening after a challenging few days. Yay I am so grateful. I have been in batton-down the hatches mode and really focusing religiously on rest, eating really carefully and pacing myself energetically.
Since I was diagnosed with Lyme in 2018, I had to teach myself a lot of different strategies to stay out of relapse and a chronic pain and inflammation situation. Actually, I was just starting to feel better from a symptomatic phase of chronic Lyme earlier in March when I contracted covid. This week put self care skills to the test. Some things that supported: reaching out to a trusted healer and going on a protocol of supplements to help my immune system. - not working… I canceled my entire calendar for a couple of days and worked just a couple hours on the next few days that I felt I could (feels lucky to be able to do this). - I became totally committed to breathwork daily. Just for seven minutes or so. Today, when I felt physically well enough, I had a somatic based healing session where I was able to fully express some built up grief, anger and fear. This felt important to do because I now understand how holding those emotions in my body can exacerbate a situation like this (Read: The Body Keeps The Score for the relationship of trauma to chronic auto immune disease) - I dropped in with a whole bunch of friends who have my back in times like this. I also kept my interactions with humans high any way I could. (Thank you friends who commented and messaged) Isolation is not supportive of the immune system I spoke my mind about something that felt stuck in my throat, and released it - The hardest: I got really clear with the universe. I let go of expectations of when I would feel better and dropped fear that my Lyme will launch me into long-hauling. my mantra: I trust my body Thank you to all who supported me especially my hubs who’s getting quite masterful in the kitchen. I think I’m on the mend. #chronicillness #longhauler #lymesurvivor Your Body Will Signal First12/9/2021 While growing up in NYC I used to often hear this sage advice: if you see something move out of the corner of your eye and you think it’s a mouse, trust that it’s a mouse. And furthermore, if you think you see one mouse, you probably have ten. Same goes for abuser behaviors and patterns. Manipulative words and actions are often almost too subtle to detect, especially early in relationships. If you have a single interaction that leaves you questioning your own reality, rest assured there are a whole lot more coming your way. Do not delay your purchase of sticky traps. Trust your intuition via the sensations in your body, my friends. That lump in your throat or those butterflies in your stomach are trying to tell you something. In the new year, space opens up for 2 coaching opportunities. If you’re ready to work on your own empowerment or need some guidance to how to catch rodents, send me a PM. I love you, keep going The Point is to Be Happy11/30/2021 Hey spiritual warriors on the healing path,
In case no one’s said this to you in a while: The point is to be happy! So many of us with trauma backgrounds are used to an uphill and barefoot climb with rocks in our backpacks. I call bullshit on that, as a perpetual path. The point is to be happy. Shadow Work Group11/7/2021 Are YOU the one?
Starting November 11 I will be leading a group container that will be delving into what I refer to as dark matter. To me, dark matter is the unpleasant emotional states that society deems unacceptable and individuals tend to disown: like rage, grief, jealousy, anger, frustration. This is also known as shadow-work. This type of work happens in brave space and is most effective when there’s a sense of trust amongst the participants. So far, I have gathered twelve incredible, admirable bad-ass women and my intuition tells me there is space for perhaps one or two more. We are looking to complete this container with someone who: - has some consistent experience with meditation and/or self development work identifies as a spiritual seeker who’s serious AF about pursuing a healing path and pulling all their shit out of the closest - is courageous… and ready and willing to be vulnerable and authentic feels unintimidated about stepping into a group where many of the existing participants have worked together before. We will also have brand new participants who have not worked with the group i- s 100 percent comfortable with mystery. Because I won’t be telling you much more about how the group will work. Not because Im keeping secrets, but because I actually don’t know. We will co-create the experience together. Thursday nights (6p-8p MT/ 8p-10p ET 11/11 through year-end, skip Thanksgiving) I f this post made you feel equal parts excitement and also scared in your bones, you’re probably the one I am looking for. I await your communication on DM. Only RSVP’s of fuck yes will be accepted. Are You Ready to Transform?10/1/2021 If you are already living your best and most fulfilled life: I love you…keep scrolling.
If you’re looking to get yourself out of your comfort zone and into “the work” that it takes to become a happy, healthy, embodied and conscious person with the whole spectrum of human emotions available to you plus an abundant bag of tools at your disposal here’s what I’ve got coming up: Semi-Private meditation coaching (looking for 1 more student) for a 6 week program where I will offer techniques and hold you accountable in establishing or reestablishing a home practice. This is offered online, or if you’re in Denver we can do in person. Group work for women who already have an established meditation practice. I have 10 women committed and availability for 4-6 more. Meets Thursday nights on Zoom at 8p eastern (6p mountain). Starts on 11-11 and will include eastern philosophy, shadow work and sacred sexuality teachings. Ideal for someone who’s been doing some self development work and wants to take it to the next level in a safe and strong container with other women. This group has also historically met in smaller pods without me for deeper peer connection and accountability. In January I will be taking on one new client for a 9 month deep-dive coaching journey that focuses on manifestation. Ideal for someone who is sick of the same ole and wants New Years Intention that will actually produce something tangible this time around. I know it seems like a long time off, but you know how quickly time seems to slip by and I will only take on one person. Look out for more retreats coming soon! I have SO much cooking and Im so excited to share it with you. Sending so much love xoxox Archives
July 2023